Minecraft PE

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Minecraft PE Beta Version

In the new Minecraft PE update, the Mojang studio introduced several memorable innovations. Significant expansions have been made to Survival Mode.

New features allow players to crawl and listen to unique compositions on music discs. In addition, sniffer eggs were introduced. All these additions add more variety and realism to the game world. Enjoy extraordinary survival with these innovations.

New mechanics

The new Minecraft PE update has undergone changes in game mechanics. The possibilities of movement have been expanded. The player was given new ways to interact in the virtual world. A new feature has been introduced – the ability to crawl. It provides a unique chance to explore the territory. Which were previously inaccessible to you.

This can be useful especially for survival mode. Find cover and slip through narrow passages. Thus, avoid being chased by hostile mobs.

Music disc

In the new update of the three-dimensional game Minecraft PE, items such as music discs were added. Each of them has its own special melody. Listen to each of the discs and choose the melody that you like. This will add unusual sensations and vivid emotions to your survival.

Sniffer Egg

The cube world of Minecraft PE pleased us with a unique item – a sniffer egg. This rare item can only be found in suspicious sands. Which in turn are in sea dungeons. Use a special archeological brush to extract it.

Another feature of the sniffer egg was the speed of its hatching. It depends on which block the object will be on. Place an egg on a block of moss and notice how the hatching speed has doubled!


  • Eggs of which mobs can be found in the Ruins of the Trail?

    In MCPE, this is a Sniffer.
  • What does the Sniffer eat?

  • How does the search in the recipe list work?

    By the first syllables.
